Nature and Wildlife
The Southern Forests is home to a significant number of endemic species of animals, birds, flowers and plants. The sheer beauty and diversity of the landscape, flora and fauna will leave you with a sense of wonder. Experiencing the region is like taking a step back through the ages of time itself.
Top things to do:

The region is home to almost 3,000 species of flora, substantial old growth forest of karri, jarrah and tingle.
The are 194 species of orchids in the region and the cool, wet climate provides an extended growing season. Be sure to bring your camera with you to take shots of the rare and unusual. Spring in particular is when the forests come alive with wildflowers, creating a tapestry of spectacular colour.
The cool, wet forests also provide a perfect habitat for an amazing variety of fungi of all shapes and colours from May through to August. As decomposers, fungi play a vital role in the forests, freeing up nutrients and forming partnerships with many plant species.

The Heart-leaf poison bush, a woody perennial shrub has helped to conserve iconic Western Australian mammals in the area. Endangered numbats are found in nature preserved areas north east of Bridgetown, east of Manjimup and in the Perup area. You may be lucky enough to see a Woylie near Perup in the region’s east. The Chuditch or Western Quoll is a spotted nocturnal marsupial only found in South Western Australia.
The region’s forests and plains are also home to some of our most loved furry marsupials. The Quenda or Southern Brown Bandicoot, Phascogale, Mardo and the famous Quokka can all be found in the Southern Forests and Valleys region. The best change to see one of these animals is to visit the Perup Ecology Centre and Nature Guesthouse.
4. SPOT A fairyWREN
The forest canopies sing with the sounds of so many birds. Some species can only be found here, such as Red-winged Fairywrens, Red-Capped Parrots, Western Rosellas, White-Breasted Robins, Western Thornbills, Western Wattlebirds and the Western Spinebill. The fairywrens, with their colours and dances will delight onlookers.

Birds of the Heritage park, manjimup
Over 50 species of birds are regularly seen in the Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park. See if you can find the most common ones with this illustrated list.
5. take a tram ride through the southern forests
All aboard at the Pemberton Railway Station for these return services which meander through towering Karri & Marri forests; over trestle bridges spanning rivers and streams along one of Australia's most majestic rail line.
In spring (September and October) the forest is resplendent with wildflowers. As you admire the breathtaking view on the journey your tram driver gives an informative commentary on the forest, railway line and history of the region.
This 75 min service shuffles out of Pemberton, past the Saw Mill and descends into the forest meandering through forest, crossing 3 bridges. Trams stop at the Cascades for 20 to 25 mins, giving guests the opportunity to alight and experience the forest trails down to the iconic Cascades waterfall, before it returns to Pemberton.